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Turn Your Data Into Income

Researchers who upload their raw data can generate income by selling or sharing it with peers and institutions globally.
Monetize Your Research Data
Presentation and Discussion of Multiple Outputs
Scientific research produces multiple outputs. However, published studies typically present and discuss only a subset of these outputs, and often do not include raw data and models.
Presentation and Reusability of Data
In published studies, raw data and numerical models are often presented as summarised tables or graphs. This format makes it difficult for other researchers to reuse the data and models.
Page Limitations and Presentation of Outputs
Many of the outputs mentioned in the articles (e.g. graphs) cannot be presented due to page limitations. It may not be possible to present survey data or provide graphs of all results.
Establishment Purpose of RDL Platform
The RDL platform has been established to ensure that the raw data and models from studies are easily discoverable and accessible, while also providing academic incentives for researchers.
Academic Research Incentive
The main purpose of the RDL platform is to contribute to the scientific community by providing easy access to experimental raw data and models for other researchers.
In this context, researchers who upload their raw data to the RDL online system with their consent allow other researchers to utilize their previously obtained raw data and models.
Data owners receive financial support for each dataset downloaded by other researchers.
The following data types can be uploaded to the RDL platform in various formats (e.g., Excel, .txt, .docx, .csv, .pdf, etc.) used in your research study:
Experimental data,
Survey data,
Analytical models,
Algorithms and methods,
Tabular Data,
Thanks to Access to Raw Data Library
The RDL platform prevents the repetition of similar experimental studies and provides direct access to analytical and numerical models.
Experimental studies can be completed with less budget.
More opportunities for discussion and the development of experimental, empirical or analytical models are facilitated.
More citation opportunities are provided.
Easy validation of previous data is provided.
Sharing of additional data mentioned but not presented in the article is also facilitated.
Access to modeling tools such as FEM, ABAQUS, ANSYS, SAP 2000, SolidWorks, and other computer modeling software and documents is provided.
Authors can track how many times their data has been downloaded from their profile page.
Authors can access their data online from anywhere in the world.
Payment information is uploaded to each data owner's profile page, allowing them to track their income.

Intellectual Property Rights of Raw Data

Nowadays, journal publishers establish different journals that focus only on the data of articles published in other journals. Unless the processed data presented in research studies are presented as raw data in a journal and the author is not paid for their rights, the ownership and legal rights of the raw data belong to the researchers.
Real Stories
Prof. Atanas G. Atanasov
Prof. Atanas G. Atanasov

Editor in Chief: Current Research in Biotechnology & Exploration of Digital Health Technologies

Raw data fuels the engine of discovery.

The Raw Data Library offers the opportunity to significantly advance science and benefit humanity by promoting a world where information is both shared and accessible.

Prof. Dr. Alemdar Bayraktar
Prof. Dr. Alemdar Bayraktar

University of British Columbia

Prof. Dr. A. Ghani Razaqpur
Prof. Dr. A. Ghani Razaqpur

McMaster University

Having raw data of previous studies and comparisions of them with new studies is the one of the key to increase the chance of publications.

Scientific Advisory Board - Scopus’s Top 2%

A Scientific Advisory Board consisting of internationally recognized scientists is formed for each service offered by the Raw Data Library platform. Its main responsibility is to participate in periodic evaluations of the scientific performance of the platform and submit reports based on these findings to the chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board.

Regular evaluations are made at the end of each year. The opinions and suggestions of the members of the advisory board are taken and compiled by the rapporteur. The compiled reports are presented to the members of the scientific advisory board. It is requested that the opinions and suggestions submitted to the members of the Scientific Advisory Board be scored.
According to the scoring obtained, decisions are reached for the next priority business plan and scientific needs.
The opinions and recommendations obtained are regularly published on the RDL website as a final report at the end of the year.

Scientific Requirements for Becoming a Member
• To be listed at Scopus’s Top 2% Scientists
• To have an h-index of over 30.

Outstanding Members of the Scientific Advisory Board of Raw Data Library

The members of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Raw Data Library are internationally recognized scientists working at different universities and research facilities in different countries. Our current members are as follows:
Prof. Dr. Timothy Michael Kusky profile avatar
Prof. Dr. Timothy Michael Kusky

Editor of Earth Science Reviews and Journal of Earth Science, and Associate Editor of Geological Society of America Bulletin


Scopus Records

Rank (2024): 13640

Number of documents: 337

h-index: 74

Citations: 20657

Scopus ID: 35234213100

Prof. Dr. Charles M. Lieber profile avatar
Prof. Dr. Charles M. Lieber

The former Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department - Harvard University, USA


Scopus Records

Rank (2024): 52

Number of documents: 1301

h-index: 198

Citations: 182192

Scopus ID: 35482471900

Prof. Dr. Ji-Huan He profile avatar
Prof. Dr. Ji-Huan He

National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Silk, College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University-CN


Scopus Records

Rank (2024): 139

Number of documents: 679

h-index: 103

Citations: 50876

Scopus ID: 55817862100

Prof. Dr. Hamid Reza Karimi profile avatar
Prof. Dr. Hamid Reza Karimi

Department of Mechanical Engineering-Politecnico di Milano , IT


Scopus Records

Rank (2024): 4915

Number of documents: 1147

h-index: 103

Citations: 35714

Scopus ID: 59268604900

Prof. Dr. Lior Rokach profile avatar
Prof. Dr. Lior Rokach

Dep. of Software & Information Systems Eng. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, IL


Scopus Records

Rank (2024): 11992

Number of documents: 341

h-index: 52

Citations: 15168

Scopus ID: 9276243500

Prof. Dr. Feng Peng profile avatar
Prof. Dr. Feng Peng

Vice-Chair of Application of the China Civil Engineering Society since 2008; Dep. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, CN


Scopus Records

Rank (2024): 214378

Number of documents: 265

h-index: 42

Citations: 6499

Scopus ID: 57374116300


doi image

Raw Data Library uses Crossref and assigns DOI to each raw dataset file that is uploaded by a researcher.